Masternode Guide Aws

  1. Register for an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account
  2. Navigate to EC2
  3. Create an instance. If you have 2 or less Masternodes, the free-tier is fine. If you have 3 or more Masternodes, choose the large instance to be safe.
  4. Choose the Windows instance (easier setup procedure when compared to Linux)
  5. Save the downloaded .pem file to your computer to a USB drive – you will need this to login to your VPS
  6. Login to your VPS from AWS using the .pem file
  7. TURN OFF Windows Defender! It will incorrectly identify the SUB1X wallet as having a Trojan attached to it
  8. Download the SUB1X Windows wallet. Latest version
  9. Install wallet
  10. Go to Receive Addresses from the File menu from inside the SUB1X wallet and save the wallet address that it provides to a Notepad file
  11. Backup your wallet and download the .dat file
  12. Go to your favourite online file hosting program, and send your Notepad file and .dat file to your email address or just login to your email and send these files to yourself. It’s not easy to transfer files out of a VPS, but this is the easiest way.
  13. Logout of your VPS and go to the swap page
  14. Swap using the instructions on the page, and in the SUB1X address field, input the SUB1X address you saved in your Notepad file in Step 10 that you sent to your email.
  15. Using the main wallet, enter the debug console and type the following command once for every MasterNode you have (if you have 10, you must enter it ten times) – masternode genkey – write these down in a Notepad file.
  16. While you’re still in the debug console, enter this command as many times as you have MasterNodes (like Step 15) and save it in your Notepad file from Step 15: getaccountaddress ReplaceThisAndChooseaMasterNodeAlias
  17. Click SUB1X in the wallet toolbar and send 20 Sub1X to each of the addresses that you got from Step 16.
  18. Enter the following command and write down your TXProofs in your Notepad file from Step 15: masternode outputs
  19. Click on tools, and open the MasterNode config file – you must write a line for each MasterNode using the following format:


    Note: you must have a different public IP for each line that you input here. You cannot use the same public IP

  20. Encrypt your wallet with a secure password!
  21. Click on tools and open the SUB1X config file:
    • rpcuser=random sername
    • rpcpassword=wallet password
    • rpcallowip=
    • listen=1
    • server=1
    • daemon=1
    • maxconnections=256
    • masternode=1
    • externalip=your unique public ip address
    • bind=your unique public ip address
    • masternodeaddr=your unique public ip address
    • masternodeprivkey=result of step 1
  22. Step 22: Add an rpcallowip= for every PRIVATE IP attached to your account, and a addnode= for every PUBLIC IP attached to your account
  23. Press Start Alias on the Masternode screen and you are done
  24. Please go to this page in order to create multiple public IPs for your Masternodes in AWS

Please note:

This guide was provided and created by Edward Doane. If you would like him to create a video tutorial, please donate any SUB1X here Sk2gKqMvYJRnuAWSdyXmNFL8vXFZWEMeS1

Swap now open